Friday, July 23, 2010

I feel that the margins we live in give us all labels if not simply numbers. As an artist and teacher I am marginalized always. They say those who can do and those who can't, teach. On top of that as an art teacher my job will never be seen in most cases as equal to a math teacher, Which is twice as unfair. I cannot say that at one point in my life i felt that crafts was not as equal of an art as painting or sculpting maybe its just because i was prejudice. However through schooling I've learn a general respect for woodworking, metalworking, ceramicists, jewelers, 3-d, 2-d and anything else which allows for expression. Being skirted or marginalized is not where you want to be just because of the popular conceptions. without being judged by the "pop" if you enjoy what you do then do it; even if Duchamp's urinal is regarded as a higher art then a beautifully thrown chili bowl.

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